
You should avoid crossing the street here if you are not in a hurry.


This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading with a Subtitle

Would you mind cleaning the room for me?

My mother's illness prevented me from attending the meeting.

Heading with a Subtitle

We found a large number of mistakes in his paper.

Those who know little about it should hold their tongue.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6

I thought it possible to solve the problem.
import UIKit
import CoreData

class MasterViewController: UITableViewController, NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate {

    var detailViewController: DetailViewController? = nil
    var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext? = nil

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
        self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem()

        let addButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .Add, target: self, action: "insertNewObject:")
        self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = addButton
        if let split = self.splitViewController {
            let controllers = split.viewControllers
            self.detailViewController = (controllers[controllers.count-1] as! UINavigationController).topViewController as? DetailViewController


  • in order to
  • to get rid of
  • to be satisfied with
  • none the less
  • be inferior to
  • be superior to
  1. make an appointment with
  2. be afraid of doing
  3. be in charge of
  4. by no means
  5. in spite of
  6. to tell the truth


Name Description Price
Item One She made believe not to hear me. 1229.99
Item Two We should have a strict rule forbidding smoking in public. 2319.99
Item Three There is little, if any, difference between them. 329.99
Item Four I have read many books about Japan. 229.99
Item Five They have a large vocabulary. 2529.99
Name Description Price
Item One A fortnight is a period of two weeks. 8829.99
Item Two The kernel of something is the central and most important part of it. 19.99
Item Three Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of or preference for something, for example a particular group of people in society. 9999.99
Item Four If you punish someone, you make them suffer in some way because they have done something wrong, for example comitted a crime. 9.99
Item Five If something roars, it makes a very loud noise. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled



Left & Right

Once I was in charge of an English language summer course in North Wales for adult students from three countries - Italy, Japan and Finland. We had scheduled a trip up Mount Snowdon on a particular Wednesday, but on the Tuesday evening it rained heavily. Around 10 o’clock that night, a dozen or so Finns approached me and suggested that we cancel the excursion. I, of course, agreed and announced the cancellation. Immediately I was surrounded by protesting Italians ( 2) the decision. Why cancel the trip - they had been looking forward to it, they had paid for it in their all-inclusive fee, a little rain would not hurt anyone and what was the matter with the Finns anyway - weren’t they supposed to be tough people?

Business people have been using the “try-then-buy” technique for years. For example, car dealers routinely send potential buyers out on test drivers, and pet shop owners encourage people to play with the kittens in the window. If consumers understand the attachment that this technique can create, they could be aware of how they can be manipulated into making purchases. Before buying a new car, it is of course important to test-drive it first. But if you go to a car dealer knowing that test driving can make you agree to ( 6 ), you may be able to control the urge and avoid making a hasty purchase that you’ll later regret.